Welcome to Peterborough Counselling
My name is Shirley Hemmings and I started my career as a
Humanistic and Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist.
Gestalt therapy remains at the heart of my practice.
I believe that each of us has the tools that we need, to enable us to
live our life to its fullest potential.
After working as a counsellor and psychotherapist for several
years, I understand that talking about our feelings is essential. I
have also come to understand that sometimes, just talking is
simply not enough to access what is held at a deeper level in our
brains and bodies.
Because of this, I have trained in several alternative, treatment
type options, which are described more fully on a separate page.
Main issues with which I currently support clients, both male and female:
Trauma, including PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). A traumatic experience is one
that was too big for our brain to process, at the time that it happened.
Behind Anxiety, Depression and Addiction are often unprocessed traumatic memories
or experiences that are held in the memory networks in a raw, unprocessed form, how
ever long ago they happened
Nightmares and disturbed sleep are our brain’s way of letting us know that something
held in our neural networks is unprocessed and stuck
Rape and Sexual Abuse, including Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse and Incest
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) for a range of conditions.
Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for reconnecting with the body
that you may have disconnected or dissociated from.
I provide a range of treatments to relieve the effects of painful memories
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